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Dads! Join the New 30 Day Connected Dad Challenge Today

This is Exactly How I Transformed My Relationship With My 5 Kids!

Distilled into an easy and fun step-by-step program that will take you no more than Ten Minutes a Day

If you don't deepen your relationship with your kids in 30 Days, I will Refund You! No questions asked.

Click on Video to Watch

Why Your Relationship With Your Kids Is So Incredibly Important!

It is critical to your kids future. Kids That Have a Close Connection With Their Father Are...

Twice as likely to go to college or find stable employment upon graduating high school

75% less likely to have a teen pregnancy

80% less likely to go to jail

Half as likely to suffer from depression or anxiety

39% more likely to earn mostly A's in school

45% less likely to repeat a grade

60% less likely to be suspended or expelled

How a father treats his child and those in his life will influence what their kids look for and value in other people

Daughters will look for men who have similar qualities as their fathers

Sons will model themselves after their Dads and constantly seek their approval.

What I Learned From Interviewing 100+ Communication Experts...

Deep connection with your kids doesn't happen by accident.

It happens when you apply specific skills to your relationship with them. Skills like....

  • Understanding, appreciating and valuing them for the unique individual they are

  • Managing your own mental chatter, focus and emotions in the moment

  • Asking powerful questions that lead to deeper conversation and connection

  • Having the tools to listen actively and deeply

  • Knowing how to get them to open up to you

  • Understanding the surprising importance of appropriate vulnerability & how to do it

  • Mastering story telling

  • Most importantly, understanding where your relationship stands with your kids, and how to build a deeper and meaningful connection over time

Its not hard, it's just that we are not taught this stuff.

With a Little Knowledge and Practice Any Dad Can Build a Powerful and Deeply Fulfilling Relationship With Their Kids

One short lesson per day to transform how you communicate and connect with your children

Each lesson comes with a brief exercise to help you internalize the concept and put it into practice

The entire lesson + exercise will take less than 10 minutes per day

I distilled the learning from over 100 communication experts I interviewed on my podcast, The Art of Communication

And included the biggest communication and connection lessons from the fields of Neuroscience, Psychology, Leadership, Persuasion, Negotiation, Sales and Counseling.

All for less than $1 a day! We Need Your Feedback!

No questions asked money back guarantee if you don't transform your connection with the most important people in your life.

What Others Are Saying About The 30 Day Connected Dad Challenge

Daryl H.

"The 30-Day Connected Dad Challenge transformed my relationship with my children, improving our communication and emotional connection while creating lasting, joyful memories. Highly recommended for any dad seeking a deeper bond with their kids."

Rob S.

"It brought my teenage son and me closer than ever before, enhancing our communication and mutual understanding in ways I never thought possible. It's a must-try for any dad wanting to strengthen their relationship with their kids."

Dave R.

"The program helped me connect with my children on a deeper level and helped me to foster an atmosphere of trust and open communication."

Jared S.

"The 30-Day Connected Dad Challenge made a significant difference in my relationship with my pre-teen daughter, turning daily interactions into meaningful moments and teaching us both how to communicate better. Highly recommended for dads seeking to build stronger, more affectionate bonds with their kids."

If You Are Willing To Consistently Commit Ten Minutes a Day for 30 Days to Building a Stronger Bond With Your Kids, You Are Exactly The Type of Dad That We Are Looking For! Join Our Growing Community of Dads Taking Action to Transform Their Relationships With Their Kids!

Disclaimer: This website is in no way associated with Facebook but is ran by the company, The Art Of Communication